What is an agronomist?
An agronomist is actually a scientist who specialises in soil and crop health and productivity. Our agronomists are all university qualified professionals who can combine their scientific background and practical experience to recommend the right fertiliser products for you and your farming enterprise. Click here to find out more.
Do I need a soil test?
If your soil hasn’t had a fertiliser application for over 5 years or you have recently purchased, or are looking at purchasing/leasing a new property we highly recommend organising a soil test with one of our agronomists. Pastures that have been grazed extensively for years without fertilising can decline in productivity and effectively mine nutrient from the soil. A soil test can tell you exactly how much nutrient has been removed and the effort it will take to rebuild those stores. Call an agronomist near you to book in a soil test.
How much is fertiliser?
Fertiliser prices fluctuate with supply and demand and from season to season. The majority of our fertilisers are imported from countries such as Canada, China and the Middle East so the Australian Dollar plays a large role in pricing also.
We do not have set prices for delivery and spreading of fertiliser as this can vary with application rate and distance from our depot to your property. To get the price right we individually quote all our fertiliser orders. To get a quote, and fertiliser advice, contact us today.
How many types of fertiliser are there?
There are many types of fertiliser available to meet the nutrient needs of crops and pasture. The blending capabilities at both our depots mean that we can create custom blends and therefore there is nearly no limit on the type of fertiliser we have available. To find out more about our products visit the Products area of our website.
Is it organic?
There has been a recent surge in the interest of organic products and it is important to note the difference between organic certified products and products that contain organic matter. Brown’s fertiliser stock several products that are either certified organic or classed as allowable inputs on organic farms.
Products like compost and fowl manure are very high in organic matter. These products are often used on light textured, sandy soil to increase the soils nutrient and water holding capabilities. Heavy clay soils do not often benefit from applications of these types of products. Speak to one of our agronomists to determine if organic products can help increase your productivity.
Will the trucks fit in my paddocks?
Our spreading trucks are large pieces of machinery, weighing in excess of 7 tonnes and capable of holding a further 5 to 7 depending on product density. To ensure our trucks can access your property we will ask you to confirm some details when you place your order. It is best if you have 12 foot gates, or at the very minimum 10 foot gates with a straight approach. We will also ask you to clear any low branches that overhang laneways, tracks or gateways.
If you don’t think your property meets these standards we can always talk to you about our other delivery options include bags and bulk bins.
How often do I need to fertilise?
If soil nutrients are at an adequate level to support production most sheep and beef properties can apply a year’s worth of fertiliser in a single application. If nutrient levels need to be built up, several capital applications can be made throughout the year. If planning to remove hay or silage from paddocks it is recommended to make another application when shutting up in the spring.
Crop or vegetable enterprises normally require more fertiliser to be applied more often as high yielding crops can remove large amounts of nutrients from the soil.
Our agronomists can customise your soil testing and fertiliser program to suit your needs and budget.
Can I fertilise without rain?
Depending on the type of fertiliser, YES! In fact we highly recommend applying the phosphorus and potassium you need for the growing season in the dry months at the beginning of the year. This ensures that when the autumn rains arrive there is nutrient available for plants to begin growing. Applying phosphorus early can also promote clover growth in your pasture.
If applying a fertiliser that contains nitrogen it is highly recommended to wait for rain or irrigate after application. In warm dry weather nitrogen can burn the leaves of plants or even be lost to the atmosphere through the process of denitrification.
Is there a withholding period after I apply fertiliser?
A withholding period of 21 days must be observed following the application of all products that contain nitrogen. This includes manure products such as fowl and pig manure.
After the application of nitrogenous fertilisers plants can take up the nutrient to toxic levels. If consumed by grazing animals this can result in nitrate poisoning which is known to be fatal and can cause issues with reproduction.