Potassium is involved in photosynthesis, enzyme activation, protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, ionic balance of cells and fruit initiation and filling.
Potassium regulates the flow of water through the plant and importantly controls the plants turgidity. Stomata, which are the cells that control the opening and closing of leaf openings, are directly influenced by potassium supply.
Potassium has a direct effect on the plants ability to resist pests and diseases and withstand the effects of low soil water supply.
Brown’s Fertilisers’ Potassium Products
Muriate of Potash (MOP)
K: 50 %
Crop Segments: All
Most economic form of soluble potassium. Potassium is supplied in chloride form. Not ideally suited to situations where soil salinity/sodicity exist or for where high salt level irrigation waters are utilised. [more]
Sulphate of Potash (SOP)
K: 41.5% S: 17%
Crop Segments: All
Contains no chloride and provides a good source of sulphur. It has a low salt index. [more]